Today's Guest Post is courtesy of Melissa Crossman, a professional writer living in the Indianapolis area with her two dogs. She writes extensively about education and technology and blogs on behalf of American InterContinental University. The Importance of Finding a Mentor In a competitive job market, working with a mentor can mean the difference between struggling to get hired and moving swiftly through the ranks of a prestigious company. Mentors can prepare you for the … [Read more...]
My Interview with the Progressive Women’s Business Network
I had the honor and privilege of being the first interviewee at the Progressive Women's Business Network, an online-based community that aims to foster networking opportunities and cultivate resources for ambitious women in business. I really enjoyed answering the questions for this interview; it gave me a chance to reflect on my early career years. I actually learned a few things about myself as I answered the questions. Namely, that I've come a long way in the years since attending and … [Read more...]
10 Common Job Interview Blunders
Did you know that five out of six Americans will be looking for a new job position this year? That's according to a recent survey conducted by job-placement firm Manpower. If you're planning to look for a new gig, then you might want to pay attention to some advice Executive Search Consultant Kathryn Ullrich has offered to readers. Ullrich is the author of Getting to the Top: Strategies for Career Success (Silicon Valley Press, 2010), and also serves as associate … [Read more...]
Fight Discouragement & Win!
A couple of weeks ago, I got a call from a friend. She shares some bad news: the stress on the job had grew enormous. As a result, she felt forced to resign from her position, which had at one point in her career showed great promise but now is her worst nightmare. She was deeply discouraged. Where do I go from here?, she thought. She even started to question whether she was in the right career field. I knew I had to step in and say something. Her thought pattern reflected a common symptom of … [Read more...]
What’s Holding You Back?
For the past two years, I've been providing free content on the topics of career management, personal branding, personal marketing and various motivational tips on jobs and starting a business. It's certainly been very rewarding to serve you in this way, and I've gotten a lot of great feedback over the years. However, in an effort to provide the best advice that's useful to you moving forward, I need to hear directly from you. What's holding you back from achieving your career dreams? The … [Read more...]
Resume Writing Tip: Ensure Your Summary Statement Reflects Your Personal Brand
Writing the Summary Statement on your resume can seem like a difficult task for job seekers. In the first place, many professional don't like to talk about themselves. And, admittedly, some don't like to write. So putting the two together, can be a frightening task, indeed. You look at the blank page and crumble under the pressure. Well, have no fear. As you'll soon learn some simple tricks for knocking your Summary statement out of the park and with ease. Keep in mind that the Summary … [Read more...]
Manage Your Career Path With These Personal Branding Tips
Personal branding is for anyone who wants to achieve certain goals in life and in career. Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Advance your career and in your industry? Harness your inner passion and core values to get ahead and stand for something? Gain the respect of those around you? If you answered 'yes' to any one of those questions, then the personal branding process is for you. While there are varying descriptions and definitions for what personal branding is, I personally … [Read more...]
11 Smart Career Tips for 2011
By Kathyrn Ullrich Andy Warhol said, “Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art.” As a passionate executive recruiter, I couldn’t agree more, particularly when it comes to professionals being good in managing their careers. Here, for the New Year, are 11 career tips for 2011: 1. Look out for #1. Take responsibility for your own career development. Many large organizations have scaled back on training and development—a common outcome of the economic downturn—and small … [Read more...]
Bigger Cities Not Always Better For Hiring in 2011, Data Shows
Mid-size Cities May Be Hotter For Jobs than Larger Cities Especially for Tech, Sales and Engineering Irvine, CA (January 4, 2011) CareerBliss, the leading online career community helping people find joy and success at every step in their careers, announces new data revealing the Top Hiring Cities and Jobs for 2011. The information is based on analysis from 2010 which evaluates what cities had the highest number of open job listings per metro area. Based on the information, … [Read more...]
What to Do When Job Searching Takes Longer Than Expected
Even the most talented, educated and experienced job seekers have a difficult time finding a job in today’s economy. Most people hope the transition between jobs or finding a job after college graduation lasts only a few weeks, the reality is that many job seekers spend months, or even a year, trying to secure work. This delay can wreak havoc on a job seeker’s confidence, motivation and sense of pride—all of which are characteristics that need to stay in tact in order to build … [Read more...]
Unemployed? Don’t Be Afraid to Talk About It
I've never been fired or laid off from a job (thankfully), but I certainly know a few people who have. And in this tough economy, I'm sure you do as well -- if not yourself. While I can't personally relate, I can certainly empathize with the uncomfortable feeling of trying to explain your current job situation when there is none. Thankfully, one author offers tips on how to overcome that uneasiness. When faced with a sudden job loss, many people are "so overcome with shame and … [Read more...]
Yours Truly, Desperate for a Career Change
Every once in a while, I get an email from readers seeking advice. Recently, I got this message from a young mother of two (and wife), living in Atlanta. Her name is Nicole. As you'll soon read, this young professional is at a crossroads, and as I've shared in my own personal career challenges here, I can completely understand her dilemma. With her permission, today, I'm sharing her story with you all. Afterward, is my advice to her. But here's the thing, I want you to weigh in in the … [Read more...]
Stuck in Your Ways? Change It Up, Say Experts
If you want to feel good about yourself -- and I would argue, move ahead in your career -- then change your behavior and start acting differently. That's the premise of a new study out of Wake Forest University, which found the idea of "being true to yourself" often means you must act against your normal personality traits. Too many professionals and working-class individuals are bound up by what they feel is "appropriate" behavior, or they feel too shy to open up and be themselves. But … [Read more...]
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