Bruised and Gun-Shy: How to Heal After a Layoff

Photo Credit: graur razvan ionut

It's difficult enough to be issued the Pink Slip, but how you deal with the sudden unemployment in the weeks and months that follow is what matters most to your future success. You can either crawl into a hole and feel sorry for yourself. Or, you can pull yourself up by the bootstraps -- putting one foot in front of the other -- and start the next chapter of your career. 
 In order to the do the latter, however, you may need to do some soul-searching first. 
 Even though the circumstances … [Read more...]

10 Common Job Interview Blunders


Did you know that five out of six Americans will be looking for a new job position this year? That's according to a recent survey conducted by job-placement firm Manpower. If you're planning to look for a new gig, then you might want to pay attention to some advice Executive Search Consultant Kathryn Ullrich has offered to readers. 

Ullrich is the author of Getting to the Top: Strategies for Career Success (Silicon Valley Press, 2010), and also serves as associate … [Read more...]

Raw Food Challenge


Last October, when I wanted to lose a stubborn 10 lbs and put my poor eating habits in check, I embarked on 30-day raw food diet. It was my first time trying raw foodism, and eventually I did go back to cooked food. My goal at the time was to not necessarily abandon cooked food, but to jump-start a healthier lifestyle and see if it would help me shed the extra weight I had put on from pregnancy and the recent junk food indulgence. Now that all the dead leaves from the fall season are starting … [Read more...]

8 Secrets to Achieving Overnight Success


Now that I've gotten your attention with that scintillating headline, please allow me to burst your bubble. The first secret is that becoming an overnight success will require years of hard work, perhaps slugging away in the wee hours of the night while your spouse and kids are sound asleep. That's right: success is not what it's made out to be in the blockbuster movies. The next superstar singer is no longer discovered while riding public transportation. Becoming an Internet sensation is … [Read more...]

Fight Discouragement & Win!

A couple of weeks ago, I got a call from a friend. She shares some bad news: the stress on the job had grew enormous. As a result, she felt forced to resign from her position, which had at one point in her career showed great promise but now is her worst nightmare. She was deeply discouraged. Where do I go from here?, she thought. She even started to question whether she was in the right career field. I knew I had to step in and say something. Her thought pattern reflected a common symptom of … [Read more...]

11 Smart Career Tips for 2011


By Kathyrn Ullrich Andy Warhol said, “Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art.” As a passionate executive recruiter, I couldn’t agree more, particularly when it comes to professionals being good in managing their careers. Here, for the New Year, are 11 career tips for 2011: 1.  Look out for #1. Take responsibility for your own career development. Many large organizations have scaled back on training and development—a common outcome of the economic downturn—and small … [Read more...]

Bigger Cities Not Always Better For Hiring in 2011, Data Shows

Baltimore Inner Harbor (StockVault)

Mid-size Cities May Be Hotter For Jobs than Larger Cities Especially for Tech, Sales and Engineering Irvine, CA (January 4, 2011) CareerBliss, the leading online career community helping people find joy and success at every step in their careers, announces new data revealing the Top Hiring Cities and Jobs for 2011. The information is based on analysis from 2010 which evaluates what cities had the highest number of open job listings per metro area. Based on the information, … [Read more...]

What to Do When Job Searching Takes Longer Than Expected


Even the most talented, educated and experienced job seekers have a difficult time finding a job in today’s economy. Most people hope the transition between jobs or finding a job after college graduation lasts only a few weeks, the reality is that many job seekers spend months, or even a year, trying to secure work. This delay can wreak havoc on a job seeker’s confidence, motivation and sense of pride—all of which are characteristics that need to stay in tact in order to build … [Read more...]

Kick Your Career Into High Gear with 5 Top Time Management Tips

I have a confession to make: I am the worst when it comes to managing time. That's right. The truth is, I put on a good game face. I look the part. As a result, folks around me think I've got it all together. There's some true to that. But there's a side of me that many people don't know. Come to my house, and open the doors to the secretary desk from which I write and work daily, and you'll find evidence of my lack of time management. Books that I'm currently reading (Nobodies to … [Read more...]

From College to Career: How did I get here?

Recently, I came across the video below, which features a commencement speech delivered by Apple Founder Steve Jobs to a graduating class at Stanford University in 2005. The theme of his speech, "Stay hungry, stay foolish," was especially intriguing and I certainly wanted to find out more. So as I watched, I also jotted down a few notes. I'm kind-of a sucker for really good commencement speeches. Truth be told, I can hardly remember what remarks Smokey Robinson gave when he stood before my … [Read more...]

Are you prepared for opportunity?

Courtesy of StockVault

A lot of people wonder why opportunities don't come knocking at their door. They feel as if they've been dealt an unlucky set of cards or that life's just unfair. 

Some believe that outsiders simply fail to see their worth or talent, and therefore are bypassed opportunities. While those scenarios could certainly be the case. More often than not we -- ourselves -- are the reason why chances at success fall short of landing in our path. If you've ever wondered why it seems you never get a … [Read more...]

The Secret to Success is Being Yourself

Courtesy of StockVault

Have you ever heard the expression “Keeping up with the Joneses”? The phrase is often used to describe a person who tries to emulate another individual’s standard of living through the attainment of material things: designer wear, a bigger house, a foreign-made car, you name it. Buying such things aren’t inherently bad. But stretching your dollars beyond your means in the name of trying to keep up appearances is flat-out wrong and is a sign of insecurity. What does this have to do with … [Read more...]

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Courtesy of StockVault

I love songs that encourages a state of mind that supersedes life's circumstances and challenges. It's amazing how music can alter a mood, lift spirits, and dramatically change one's outlook on careers and life. I had a conversation with a friend yesterday. I asked her whether she liked her job, in which she quickly replied: "I'm just happy I have a job!" She went on to explain how she used to complain and grumble due to her work conditions or overall dissatisfaction with her role, but in … [Read more...]