10 Common Job Interview Blunders


Did you know that five out of six Americans will be looking for a new job position this year? That's according to a recent survey conducted by job-placement firm Manpower. If you're planning to look for a new gig, then you might want to pay attention to some advice Executive Search Consultant Kathryn Ullrich has offered to TheCareerPioneer.com readers. 

Ullrich is the author of Getting to the Top: Strategies for Career Success (Silicon Valley Press, 2010), and also serves as associate … [Read more...]

Be Your Own Best Publicist (With Audio)


Seasoned public relations pros Jessica Kleiman and Meryl Weinsaft Cooper break down the nuts and bolts of PR and how you can use them in your everyday work and business life to successfully promote yourself in their newly-released book Be Your Own Best Publicist In one of the toughest job markets in more than 20 years, applying the art of self-promotion is more vital than ever, they say. Their goal, they say, is to show anyone looking to land a new job, attract freelance … [Read more...]

What’s Holding You Back?


For the past two years, I've been providing free content on the topics of career management, personal branding, personal marketing and various motivational tips on jobs and starting a business. It's certainly been very rewarding to serve you in this way, and I've gotten a lot of great feedback over the years. However, in an effort to provide the best advice that's useful to you moving forward, I need to hear directly from you. What's holding you back from achieving your career dreams? The … [Read more...]

Manage Your Career Path With These Personal Branding Tips


Personal branding is for anyone who wants to achieve certain goals in life and in career. Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Advance your career and in your industry? Harness your inner passion and core values to get ahead and stand for something? Gain the respect of those around you? If you answered 'yes' to any one of those questions, then the personal branding process is for you. While there are varying descriptions and definitions for what personal branding is, I personally … [Read more...]

11 Smart Career Tips for 2011


By Kathyrn Ullrich Andy Warhol said, “Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art.” As a passionate executive recruiter, I couldn’t agree more, particularly when it comes to professionals being good in managing their careers. Here, for the New Year, are 11 career tips for 2011: 1.  Look out for #1. Take responsibility for your own career development. Many large organizations have scaled back on training and development—a common outcome of the economic downturn—and small … [Read more...]

What to Do When Job Searching Takes Longer Than Expected


Even the most talented, educated and experienced job seekers have a difficult time finding a job in today’s economy. Most people hope the transition between jobs or finding a job after college graduation lasts only a few weeks, the reality is that many job seekers spend months, or even a year, trying to secure work. This delay can wreak havoc on a job seeker’s confidence, motivation and sense of pride—all of which are characteristics that need to stay in tact in order to build … [Read more...]

Unemployed? Don’t Be Afraid to Talk About It

jobloss image

I've never been fired or laid off from a job (thankfully), but I certainly know a few people who have. And in this tough economy, I'm sure you do as well -- if not yourself. While I can't personally relate, I can certainly empathize with the uncomfortable feeling of trying to explain your current job situation when there is none. Thankfully, one author offers tips on how to overcome that uneasiness. When faced with a sudden job loss, many people are "so overcome with shame and … [Read more...]

Tweet This! Create an All-Star Brand & Woo More Followers on Twitter

Twitter @careerpioneer

At a time when it seems like everyone and their grandmother is on Twitter, you're probably wondering what types of tweets will help you stand out from the crowd while remaining professional. You're in good company. A couple of career-transition experts have been thinking the same thing. They've distilled the best tips related to business uses of Twitter, into a practical new book entitled Find a Job Through Social Networking (available on Amazon). Career management consultants Diane … [Read more...]

From Temp to Permanent: How to Turn Your Temp Job Into a Full-time Gig

Wendy  Powell, author of Management Experience

by Wendy N. Powell, author of Management Experience Acquired So you got the temp job and you are hopeful that you will be hired as a permanent employee. How do you make yourself so valuable they can’t refuse to hire you? 1.  Research the company very well. Since you are now a relative insider, use your temp gig as an opportunity to learn about what makes the company tick. Study the information on the internet or intranet and review the mission statement and current goals to make sure you … [Read more...]

Guest Blogger: Becoming Carrie Bradshaw

Sex and the City's Carrie Bradshaw

When Carrie said, "I'm looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love," on Sex and the City, she could have been talking about her career. Frankly, I already have career-love. I'm a consumer affairs mediator. My job combines shopping, helping people and the occasional entertaining crazy. Bliss. And yet. It's not my dream. Or it's only part of it. My childhood hobbies included reading fashion magazines and creating puzzle, mystery and … [Read more...]

New Year. New You?

the noticer books

Over the holidays, I had a chance to read the book The Noticer, by New York Times Bestselling Author Andy Andrews. It truly is a moving story. The book is centered on the life of an old drifter named Jones, along with his mysterious encounters and impromptu counseling sessions with a number of residents living in a small Southern beach town. Jones possesses an uncanny -- some might say spooky -- way of looking into the lives of those around him to reveal their weakest link. Some how, some … [Read more...]

“What to Say When You Talk to Yourself”

Courtesy of Dreamstime

When I first saw the above-mentioned title of a book about “powerful new techniques to program your potential for success,” I have to admit that I was a bit of a skeptic. The book was written by Shad Helmstetter, an acclaimed psychologist, who champions the idea that you can improve your outlook, focus your plans, and stay on top, in touch and going for your dreams and any other life aspirations, simply by reprogramming your thoughts. His strategy is simple: adopt techniques of what he … [Read more...]

Have Your Childhood Dreams Escaped? “The Last Lecture” Puts It All In Perspective

If you haven’t heard the story of Dr. Randy Pausch, who received national attention when he began appearing on numerous television shows including Oprah last year, then you should especially stay tuned into today’s post. Randy Pausch was a professor of Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction, and Design at Carnegie Mellon University. He had been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer when he was asked to deliver his famous “last lecture.” Nearly 400 students attended the lecture … [Read more...]