Today, I received in my email inbox what was practically a cry for help. The author of the email (who will remain nameless) desperately needed some advice on whether to leave a lucrative, relatively stable job working for the federal government, in exchange for staying at home with her four beautiful children (including a newborn). As a brand new mom myself, I could certainly understand her dilemma, which I have shared here previously at With just one month remaining … [Read more...]
Are You Really Stuck?
Do you feel stuck? In your career? In life, in general? Feeling “stuck” in your career is certainly not a good feeling. What precedes it? A number of reasons could be the underlying culprit, such as low self-esteem, lack of education, lack of perceived opportunity and many more. Stuckness poses a direct threat to your career pioneer prowess. So, it's best to nip it in the bud as soon as you see the signs. Maybe you feel stuck because the economy is in a slump, and it seems no one is … [Read more...]
Extract the Distractions
Television. Radio. Books. Internet. Work. Kids. Spouse. Friends. Mobile phones. Chat. School. Girlfriend. Boyfriend. Responsibilities galore! There’s no shortage of distractions in the world. But everyday we wake up and immediately get sucked right back into them once again. Is there really a way to escape the distractions? Is it possible to minimize the impact they have on our lives? Can we regain control in order to boost our productivity? Some distractions are good and the … [Read more...]
Achieve Your Career Dreams: How to Get Past the Talking Stage and Move Into The Doing Stage
Don’t you just hate conversations when someone you know or an acquaintance blabs on and on about what they want to do. But when you prod a little, you discover they haven’t made any effort or taken any steps that resemble a course of action? Don’t you hate it even more when the person who’s doing the blabbing is you? We live in a world that gives more credit to people who are doing “big” things. Which, in my opinion, has fostered a generation that are big talkers, rather than big … [Read more...]
“Failure Isn’t a Set-Back, It’s a Step Up.” Plus, Famous Quotes to Live By
Don’t you just love great quotes? They’re motivational, thought-provoking, and often wise words to store in your brain for those rainy, discouraging days. I created the title quote myself after scourging the Internet for famous quotes to share with you all today. Do quotes encourage you too? What quotes have inspired you to: Take Chances? Rise above the level of mediocrity? Tap into self-belief? Muster courage? Demolish all excuses? Dream again? As I started to think about … [Read more...]
Are Your Talents Wage-Worthy?
What’s your secret talent? Are you an excellent writer? Do you make a killer cheesecake? As a parent or concerned citizen, have you raised funds for your local school that exceeded everyone’s expectations? Can you stitch a new garment out of an old tapestry that could rival that of any leading designer? Are you well-oiled machine when it comes to planning birthday parties and annual gatherings for yourself, family and friends? Up until now, have you done all of this for free, even … [Read more...]
Loose Lips Sink Great Ideas: Flesh out your new venture before announcing it to the world
One of my life-long goals is to write a book. There. I said it. I put it out into the world. There’s no turning back now. Have you done something similar to this lately (or ever)? Have you confided in someone (or several people), telling them of a future plan, project, or goal that you’ve wanted to accomplish, but have simply been too hesitant to jump into with full speed? Did you tell them irrationally, without any forethought or planning? Or did you take deliberate steps to announce your … [Read more...]
Is Your Past Dictating Your Future? Live Your Dreams Despite Your Past
I received in my inbox today a VERY ENCOURAGING message from someone I knew growing up. She doesn’t know that I’m using her as the inspiration for today’s post so in an effort to keep her identity anonymous, I will call her Lisa. Lisa has been following the blog since its inception. Which by the way hasn’t even been a week! So it’s nice to already have some loyal supporters. Thanks Lisa! In summary, she shared with me how she felt she made some less than positive choices growing up, … [Read more...]