Trends: 21st Century-Syle Job Search


Get creative with social networking to land your dream job -- or at least a gig that pays the bills. Social networking sites and new digital tools are making it easier and easier for the average person to get noticed in such a crowded job market.  Read on to learn more . . . Sites such as Linked In, Facebook, Twitter, along with a relatively new site called SlideShare, are making waves and folks are creatively using such resources to expand their networks, open new doors of opportunity and … [Read more...]

The Working Mom’s (and Dad’s) Dilemma

Courtesy of StockVault

Today, I received in my email inbox what was practically a cry for help. The author of the email (who will remain nameless) desperately needed some advice on whether to leave a lucrative, relatively stable job working for the federal government, in exchange for staying at home with her four beautiful children (including a newborn). As a brand new mom myself, I could certainly understand her dilemma, which I have shared here  previously at With just one month remaining … [Read more...]

Are You Thriving Or Barely Surviving? Career Inspiration for the Slacker

Courtesy of StockVault

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by. The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said ‘yes’, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He … [Read more...]

Don’t Give Your Employer Too Much Power: Generate Multiple Streams of Income

Courtesy of Dreamstime

I recently had a revelation about the importance of generating multiple streams of income -- repairs to the house needed to be made, the mortgage was looming, the credit card bill mounting, and I could’ve really used the extra (unexpected) dough. Since I’m not really a lottery player , I realized the next best solution to building wealth is to start thinking of ways in which I could start earning more cash by diversifying what I do professionally, how I do it and whom I do it for. NOTE: … [Read more...]

Extract the Distractions

Courtesy of Dreamstime

Television. Radio. Books. Internet. Work. Kids. Spouse. Friends. Mobile phones. Chat. School. Girlfriend. Boyfriend. Responsibilities galore! 

There’s no shortage of distractions in the world. But everyday we wake up and immediately get sucked right back into them once again. Is there really a way to escape the distractions? Is it possible to minimize the impact they have on our lives? Can we regain control in order to boost our productivity? Some distractions are good and the … [Read more...]