Personal branding is for anyone who wants to achieve certain goals in life and in career. Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Advance your career and in your industry? Harness your inner passion and core values to get ahead and stand for something? Gain the respect of those around you? If you answered 'yes' to any one of those questions, then the personal branding process is for you. While there are varying descriptions and definitions for what personal branding is, I personally … [Read more...]
Life’s a Blizzard
In the Northeast corridor of the U.S., we've been battling major weather conditions. In the Washington, DC metro area alone, we've seen as much as four feet of snow and thousands of people are currently without power. Meanwhile, wind gusts are reaching speeds of up to 50 miles per hour, sweeping blankets of snow everywhere. As I sat inside my home, all warm and cozy, I couldn't help but compare how life is much like this blizzard. Such as life, weather conditions can suddenly take a turn … [Read more...]
The Working Mom’s (and Dad’s) Dilemma
Today, I received in my email inbox what was practically a cry for help. The author of the email (who will remain nameless) desperately needed some advice on whether to leave a lucrative, relatively stable job working for the federal government, in exchange for staying at home with her four beautiful children (including a newborn). As a brand new mom myself, I could certainly understand her dilemma, which I have shared here previously at With just one month remaining … [Read more...]
Find Inspiration to Live Your Dream Career, Take Hold Opportunities & Watch Project Runway
I love watching the television show Project Runway, which airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. on the Lifetime Network. It’s a reality-based show about individuals from virtually all walks of life who are living out their dreams and competing to become a famed, nationally recognized fashion designer. “Either you’re in, or you’re out” is the show’s motto, regularly spoken as fact by Project Runway host, supermodel Heidi Klum. Despite the fact that contestants could possibly kill their careers simply by … [Read more...]
It’s Official: The 30th Day of The Career Pioneer Blog!
It’s been exactly 30 days to-date that I launched The Career Pioneer blog. And I must say that it’s been an interesting, somewhat difficult, and self-revealing ride to say the least. When I started this blog, yes, I wanted to help other people discover their own passion and true career path, but at the same time I secretly used it as therapy for myself, as I decidedly made a more concerted effort to pursue my own career dreams. Thanks for joining me on this journey. It honestly felt like a … [Read more...]
Top 10 Do’s to Turning Your Passion Into a Dream Career
Last year, I quit my full-time job to stay at home with my daughter, rather than put her in daycare. I knew, within the first couple of months, that I didn't want to just sit around watching soap operas and court shows while eating bon-bons as she took her naps. (In a previous post, I explained how my daughter spent the first couple of months of her life in the NICU. During that time, I was home without the baby and had lots of time to think when I wasn't sleeping or pumping.) I needed … [Read more...]
Five Proven Tips to Generate Wealth and Stop Working for the Rest of Your Life (Seriously!)
Don’t you just hate (or love) subject lines like that? Whoever writes them make it seem as if anyone who has the ability to read, can make millions of dollars. Well, okay, I shouldn’t be so cynical. You’re right, just about anyone can make millions and become a success, especially here in the U.S. With that thought, I figured I’d take a stab and list the Career Pioneer’s sure-fire ways to generate wealth and stop working for the rest of your life. Enjoy! Marry rich. Start your own software … [Read more...]
Discovering My Career Path: Confessions of a Self-Help Junkie
Growing up in a tiny town in Southwest Georgia, I knew that I was destined to help people live more fulfilling lives. I also knew that I wanted to write in some capacity as a profession. That’s why when I graduated with a journalism degree in 2005, I decided to start a career as a health reporter at Bloomberg News in Washington, DC. As a journalist, I became the authority on various topics of health and science, disseminating information that I hoped helped people make better, more informed … [Read more...]