Be Your Own Best Publicist (With Audio)


Seasoned public relations pros Jessica Kleiman and Meryl Weinsaft Cooper break down the nuts and bolts of PR and how you can use them in your everyday work and business life to successfully promote yourself in their newly-released book Be Your Own Best Publicist In one of the toughest job markets in more than 20 years, applying the art of self-promotion is more vital than ever, they say. Their goal, they say, is to show anyone looking to land a new job, attract freelance … [Read more...]

Fight Discouragement & Win!

A couple of weeks ago, I got a call from a friend. She shares some bad news: the stress on the job had grew enormous. As a result, she felt forced to resign from her position, which had at one point in her career showed great promise but now is her worst nightmare. She was deeply discouraged. Where do I go from here?, she thought. She even started to question whether she was in the right career field. I knew I had to step in and say something. Her thought pattern reflected a common symptom of … [Read more...]

Manage Your Career Path With These Personal Branding Tips


Personal branding is for anyone who wants to achieve certain goals in life and in career. Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Advance your career and in your industry? Harness your inner passion and core values to get ahead and stand for something? Gain the respect of those around you? If you answered 'yes' to any one of those questions, then the personal branding process is for you. While there are varying descriptions and definitions for what personal branding is, I personally … [Read more...]

Need a Mental Detox? Plan An Easy Getaway

Used with Permission from StockVault

Dinner needs to be cooked. Doctor's appointments need to be made. Bills need to get paid. The child needs to get picked up from daycare by 5:30 p.m. That assignment needs to be filed by tomorrow afternoon. Your spouse needs your undivided attention. Your toenails are screaming for a pedicure. Your blog hasn't been updated in a week. And the list goes on and on and on. If your to-do list looks anything like mine, then you're probably feeling pretty overwhelmed right about now, or at least … [Read more...]

From College to Career: How did I get here?

Recently, I came across the video below, which features a commencement speech delivered by Apple Founder Steve Jobs to a graduating class at Stanford University in 2005. The theme of his speech, "Stay hungry, stay foolish," was especially intriguing and I certainly wanted to find out more. So as I watched, I also jotted down a few notes. I'm kind-of a sucker for really good commencement speeches. Truth be told, I can hardly remember what remarks Smokey Robinson gave when he stood before my … [Read more...]

Life’s a Blizzard

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In the Northeast corridor of the U.S., we've been battling major weather conditions. In the Washington, DC metro area alone, we've seen as much as four feet of snow and thousands of people are currently without power. Meanwhile, wind gusts are reaching speeds of up to 50 miles per hour, sweeping blankets of snow everywhere. As I sat inside my home, all warm and cozy, I couldn't help but compare how life is much like this blizzard. Such as life, weather conditions can suddenly take a turn … [Read more...]

Are you prepared for opportunity?

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A lot of people wonder why opportunities don't come knocking at their door. They feel as if they've been dealt an unlucky set of cards or that life's just unfair. 

Some believe that outsiders simply fail to see their worth or talent, and therefore are bypassed opportunities. While those scenarios could certainly be the case. More often than not we -- ourselves -- are the reason why chances at success fall short of landing in our path. If you've ever wondered why it seems you never get a … [Read more...]

New Year. New You?

the noticer books

Over the holidays, I had a chance to read the book The Noticer, by New York Times Bestselling Author Andy Andrews. It truly is a moving story. The book is centered on the life of an old drifter named Jones, along with his mysterious encounters and impromptu counseling sessions with a number of residents living in a small Southern beach town. Jones possesses an uncanny -- some might say spooky -- way of looking into the lives of those around him to reveal their weakest link. Some how, some … [Read more...]

Rejuvenate Your Job Search

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New Year's Resolutions For Job Seekers I'm not generally someone who believes strongly in creating New Year's Resolutions. They're mostly rooted in lofty thinking and, for much of the population, are very rarely based on definitive plans.  I do recommend, however, using the start of a new year as an opportunity to explore your accomplishments from the previous one, and consider what your life could look like in the days ahead. In lieu of the new year, (and for those die-hard resolutions … [Read more...]

Listen to Your Inner Voice


Has there ever been a time in your life when you pushed through to accomplish a goal, but it seemed you were getting no where fast? Perhaps during that time, you had a number of people around you who, in their attempts to offer sound advice, only threatened to thwart your agenda. You knew you could do it, but the well-meaning voices surrounding you seemed to stifle and inhibit your gut intuition. In the end, you stopped pursuing your dream, and resorted to that little, "safe" place in your … [Read more...]

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

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I love songs that encourages a state of mind that supersedes life's circumstances and challenges. It's amazing how music can alter a mood, lift spirits, and dramatically change one's outlook on careers and life. I had a conversation with a friend yesterday. I asked her whether she liked her job, in which she quickly replied: "I'm just happy I have a job!" She went on to explain how she used to complain and grumble due to her work conditions or overall dissatisfaction with her role, but in … [Read more...]

Your Dream Career Awaits, Start Here

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A few months ago (literally) I sat on my couch pouting about how I wanted to more aggressively pursue my writing dreams and gain greater traction in the publishing world. But then I realized (with the help of some trusted friends, and lots of trust and prayer) that if I fail to take a step of faith and actually put myself out there to claim my destiny, then how in the world was I ever going to accomplish my life-long goals? After mustering some courage, I got rid of the self-doubt and … [Read more...]

When Negative Voices Crowd Out the Positive 

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I had a great conversation with a friend last weekend. We talked about some of our latest business ventures, and she shared with me how some of the people who she thought would be supportive, were in fact, the complete opposite. Usually, when starting something new --whether it’s a new job, business venture, or new career track altogether -- you’ll likely find that the people closest to you, particularly best friends and family members, are generally in your corner, rooting you along the way, … [Read more...]