I recently had a revelation about the importance of generating multiple streams of income -- repairs to the house needed to be made, the mortgage was looming, the credit card bill mounting, and I could’ve really used the extra (unexpected) dough. Since I’m not really a lottery player , I realized the next best solution to building wealth is to start thinking of ways in which I could start earning more cash by diversifying what I do professionally, how I do it and whom I do it for. NOTE: … [Read more...]
How to Get the Most Out of Self-Help Books, Blogs & Other Published Works
I read a lot of self-help books. By reading them, I always seem to find the practical advice, insight or inspiration I need to get me through a slump. (Check out my Suggested Reading list for recommendations.) It was my collection of self-help books that inspired me during difficult and challenging times at work, through job transitions and career changes. The self-help genre even served as the primary inspiration for my creating The Career Pioneer blog. I had gotten to a point where I … [Read more...]
Top 10 Do’s to Turning Your Passion Into a Dream Career
Last year, I quit my full-time job to stay at home with my daughter, rather than put her in daycare. I knew, within the first couple of months, that I didn't want to just sit around watching soap operas and court shows while eating bon-bons as she took her naps. (In a previous post, I explained how my daughter spent the first couple of months of her life in the NICU. During that time, I was home without the baby and had lots of time to think when I wasn't sleeping or pumping.) I needed … [Read more...]
Five Proven Tips to Generate Wealth and Stop Working for the Rest of Your Life (Seriously!)
Don’t you just hate (or love) subject lines like that? Whoever writes them make it seem as if anyone who has the ability to read, can make millions of dollars. Well, okay, I shouldn’t be so cynical. You’re right, just about anyone can make millions and become a success, especially here in the U.S. With that thought, I figured I’d take a stab and list the Career Pioneer’s sure-fire ways to generate wealth and stop working for the rest of your life. Enjoy! Marry rich. Start your own software … [Read more...]