What to Do When Job Searching Takes Longer Than Expected


Even the most talented, educated and experienced job seekers have a difficult time finding a job in today’s economy. Most people hope the transition between jobs or finding a job after college graduation lasts only a few weeks, the reality is that many job seekers spend months, or even a year, trying to secure work. This delay can wreak havoc on a job seeker’s confidence, motivation and sense of pride—all of which are characteristics that need to stay in tact in order to build … [Read more...]

Tweet This! Create an All-Star Brand & Woo More Followers on Twitter

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At a time when it seems like everyone and their grandmother is on Twitter, you're probably wondering what types of tweets will help you stand out from the crowd while remaining professional. You're in good company. A couple of career-transition experts have been thinking the same thing. They've distilled the best tips related to business uses of Twitter, into a practical new book entitled Find a Job Through Social Networking (available on Amazon). Career management consultants Diane … [Read more...]