Now that 2010 is coming to a close, you're probably coming across a lot of material over the Internet and elsewhere touting New Year's resolutions and goal-setting (or better yet, goal-achieving.) That's great and all. But quite honestly -- as I reflect over the past year and all the things I managed to accomplish in the last three hundred and sixty-something days -- I personally think I'd find relief in reading a piece that encourages me to do more along the lines of "slow down," "take the … [Read more...]
Getting to First: Interview with First Female White House Press Secretary

I recently had the privilege to interview Dee Dee Myers, the first female White House press secretary. She's currently on tour to promote her latest endeavor as the empowerment ambassador for a new Jones New York women's empowerment campaign. This is a woman who believes that you can do anything, and her passion for helping other women (and men) is evident in how she describes the role of women in the 21st Century workplace today. Part of the “Empowering Your Confidence” movement depicts … [Read more...]