Break Through Barriers In Career, Business (And Everywhere Else in Your Life)

Happy New Year, friends!

I hope this year is starting off well for you. It’s certainly been an eventful transition for me. Like a lot of you, I’ve been examining my personal and professional life, trying to figure out how I can take things to another level in some areas of my life while maintaining other areas without driving myself into the ground.

That said, one of the things that I’m resolved to commit to this year is Balance. Last year was a milestone year for me: I turned the big 3-0.

Because of that, I set some pretty high, and perhaps unrealistic goals for myself, hoping to achieve them before ushering in a new decade of my life. Unfortunately, things didn’t pan out as I had hoped they would. And I felt pretty disappointed about it.

What I learned from that period of my life is that 1) Goals and dreams don’t always happen as planned, 2) It’s OK to recalibrate those goals and dreams if you find things aren’t working out as you wished they would have, and 3) You need to give yourself a break from the endless hustle; otherwise, you’ll burn yourself out and will eventually give up completely.

If any of the above happens,  you’re not a failure. It means, perhaps, you’re realistic, you’re flexible, and determined to see something work out (even if it means taking a side road here and there.) That’s the road to success. That’s the story of someone who’s going to make it some day. So, be encouraged!

But let’s say you feel as if you’ve hit a wall. (I’ve been there. ) You don’t know what steps to take next, and you’re beating your head against that wall because the answers aren’t coming as swiftly as you think they should. You’re not alone. I can say, anecdotally, that this happens to everyone at some point in life.

During these times of mental frustration, it’s important to to keep your eyes and ears open because the answer’s out there. This might be a sign that you need to take a breather. Give yourself some time to reconnect with nature, your family and friends, or a favorite hobby.

This roadblock could also mean a lot of other things. But only you can answer that question. Take some time to evaluate what’s holding you back.

That’s essentially the topic of an upcoming forum** where I will be the featured speaker. If you’re in the Washington, DC area, and you’re free Thursday, January 26, I would love for you to join a lively discussion about what it takes to break through barriers in YOUR life.

** This event is sponsored by an amazing grassroots community organization called R.E.E.L. You can learn more about them by clicking here.

If you have any questions that you would like for me to address anonymously during the forum, shoot me an email at info [at] or use the Contact Form on the above tab. I would LOVE to hear what you need help with in your life, both personal and professional.

As we get closer to the event, I’ll let you in on more details about what I’ll be talking about. Hope to see you there!



  • Jasira Monique

    Thanks so much Emily for another enlightening & encouraging post.

    Love always,

    Jasira Monique “Mo” :)