Where Are You? Where Do You Want to Be?

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From: Emily Ann Brown, founder of TheCareerPioneer.com

Dear seasoned professional, career changer or aspiring solo entrepreneur,

If you’ve been eyeing entrepreneurship or a career change, you know how uncomfortable it feels to step outside of your comfort zone. It’s scary to think about where your next paycheck will come from. But it’s exhilarating to entertain the thought of going after your dream, no longer  tethered to a desk or punching into someone else’s clock.

You’re ready for change. And the time is now. It’s going to take work, but you’re willing to put in the time and effort it takes to see this thing through. 

The Career Pioneer is for professionals in limbo just like you. Those who are poised to write the next chapter in life on your own terms.

This is the place for you if you’re seeking advice and inspiration, or simply needing a good kick in the pants to stop over analyzing and start doing something.


  • You’re tired of having others dictate your schedule.
  • You’re exasperated with feeling burnt out and overworked on the job.
  • You believe it’s your time to shine, move from the sidelines, and into a more satisfying career.
  • You have something awesome to share with the world.
  • You have a burning desire to help other people with your knowledge and expertise.

Whether you’re changing careers, are on the road to becoming a solo entrepreneur, have built a following or are just starting out, a recent college graduate or new mom, this is the place for you. Get advice. Be inspired. Join a community. And go do the work you love.

Here, you’ll get strategies and practical tips, infused with motivation and spiritual principles, to spur you into high gear on the road toward more fulfilling line of work.


  • Find peace in your current job while you position yourself for the next big step.
  • Move into more satisfying work that fits your personality and family situation.
  • Find the courage to step outside your comfort zone.
  • Stop making excuses for yourself.
  • Avoid self-sabotage and eradicate the fear that’s holding you back.
  • Serve others by claiming your dreams of entrepreneurship and self-sustainability.


I’m no different from you. I’ve jumped from one job to another searching for meaning, trying to find my place in life.

I went from journalism to public relations, to becoming a full-time stay at home mom, to freelance copywriter and back to journalism. In my free time, I dabbled in network marketing sales pushing cosmetics. I also built a small business serving other small businesses and solo entrepreneurs offering branding and copywriting services.

In the end, I realized at the heart of everything I decided to pursue, my motivation was to simply help other people succeed in their career and business aspirations or to provide a better life for my family. So I found a way to do both.

When I gave birth to my daughter prematurely, weighing in at just 2 lbs 11 oz, I knew I had to make a change. I could no longer keep working in jobs that brought little joy and made me frustrated at the expense of being absent during my daughter’s life during those critical early months and years.

She spent two months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and during that time I did a lot of soul-searching. It became relatively easy at that point to quit my job.

When my husband and I brought her home after two months of NICU care she weighed a little under 5 lbs. She was overall healthy. And I was overjoyed and felt free for the first time in my career.

From that point on, w
orking from home became my Number 1 priority. I needed the flexibility as a new mom.

I realized that if I stuck to my guns and put in the work, things would eventually pan out. Thankfully, things took a turn for the better when I started working as a freelance writer from home.

I started a business doing something I truly loved while calling the shots and making my own hours.

 It hasn’t been easy, which is why I started this blog to encourage other business owners and professionals to keep believing in the promise of your dreams.


It’s true that the number of new startups and small businesses slowed down after the recession, according to the Small Business Bureau. But even with little to no budget hundreds of small companies are started every year with less than $500. I started mine with virtually nothing!

I suspect that a lot of people are too afraid to strike out on their own in this tough economic time. You could convince yourself that this is a roadblock. Or look at it this way: fewer people means less competition.

If the idea of what you ideally want to do mirrors your current level of passion and expertise, then you can define your own terms of success no matter what the economic climate looks like.

If any of this resonates or describes you, you’ve come to the right place. I know you. You feel called to do something more — other than be a parent, professional, friend, or family member. 

You’re ready to strike out on your own, answer your true calling, leave a legacy and blaze a new trail.

If you have something to offer the world and do it on a big scale — and I suspect you do; otherwise you wouldn’t still be reading this — then sign up for updates to learn more about the upcoming classes, web seminars, and articles that will help take you from analysis paralysis to full-fledged business owner.

Sign up for updates, and let The Career Pioneer support you on your journey.


Emily, great post about personal branding. It’s a process that every individual should go through in order to unearth their true talents, and gain the confidence and career direction they need to succeed. The economy is ever changing, but the one thing that stays consistent is that having a strong personal brand will help you stand out and attract new opportunities.
Dan Schawbel, author of Promote Yourself: The New Rules for Career Success

This is such an excellent post! I have recently been battling discouragement myself and my mind. It’s so funny how sometimes God has to allow us to get to rock bottom in our thinking because of our own ingratitude and lack of remembrance of His good works in our lives. That’s where I was a few days ago & it’s so refreshing to read this article and know that things are going to continue to move upwardly if I have faith & do not doubt God’s will and purpose in my life. Thanks so much!
Monique M. McDowell

I like your post. I work in Washington also, two blocks from the White House, and I know first hand the intensity of working in this hight profile city. … Keep being an inspiration!

You gave the writer great, sound advice! I couldn’t have put it any better myself. Allot of people are in her situation right now! Unhappy where they are & looking for a change. I totally agree with you about her seeking a job just to get out of a job & winding up in the same boat as she’s currently in.

Your blog is by far the most interesting I have come across in the recent past, hands down!
Alina Jones

The Career Pioneer is a new, but interesting approach to employment issues. This is not your standard employment industry “blah” stuff. It’s written in a more accessible, journalistic style, and its most notable asset at the moment is idea content and perspectives…. The Career Pioneer doesn’t mind being relevant, (another innovation lacking in many employment sites), and this piece, Is Your Past Dictating Your Future? will strike more than a few chords with job seekers and people in career hiatus.
Paul Wallis, staff writer